

Liothyronine is a drug in the form of a synthetic thyroid hormone. It stimulates the need for oxygen in tissues and is involved in growth and development. As a sports pharmacological product, it improves the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. The medication is very popular for fat-burning due to its beneficial properties. We recommend that you buy the drug at the best Liothyronine cost on the entire market in the Trensteroid4you online store.


Thyroid hormone tablets contain synthetic Triiodothyronine. The general chemical formula of the drug is C15H12I3NO4, but it may vary depending on the manufacturer. The constituents that make up the significant hormone, such as three iodine atom molecules, an amino acid residue, and other components, are represented in this formula. The medicine exists in the form of tablets, and you can also find Liothyronine IV in the form of injections.

After oral administration, 95% of the drug is absorbed by the body within 4 hours. Its latent period ranges from 4 to 8 hours and the maximum effect occurs after 2-3 days. Liothyronine capsules are used in medical practice to correct the underfunction of the thyroid gland. It is prescribed both in certain clinical scenarios and for bodybuilders.


The medicine has a very large list of indications for use in medicine. Talking about sports, people use these pills to reduce the total fat percentage in the body. If you are wondering what Liothyronine does and what its benefits are, here is a basic list:

  1. Weight and metabolism control
    This drug will help you better control your weight during periods of intense training. It activates metabolism, which promotes more efficient calorie burning. Your muscles will become more defined and sculpted, giving you a beautiful body shape.
  2. Energy boost
    Liothyronine tablets will truly become a real source of energy for you. They help cope with fatigue and lifelessness, which is especially important in those moments when you need to be at your best, both at work and in the gym. Your general well-being will improve and you will feel a sharp surge of energy.
  3. Improved mood
    The oral drug not only affects physical energy but also improves mood and concentration. This means that after using Liothyronine, you will be better able to focus on tasks and maintain a positive inner attitude throughout the day.
  4. Healthy thyroid gland
    Using a fat-burning drug under the guidance of a doctor, you can maintain the health of your thyroid gland. This is especially important for those facing hypothyroidism problems. There are minimal Liothyronine side effects weight gain, which can be eliminated with proper dosage.
  5. General physical well-being
    The medication not only helps me feel better physically but also has a positive effect on my overall physical condition. It reduces the feeling of heaviness in the body and improves overall physical endurance. You will also feel lighter and more motivated to exercise.

To improve your body performance, buy Liothyronine online on the Trensteroid4you website. Also, in the assortment, you will find other medications for gaining muscle mass and increasing muscle tone.

Usage Instructions

To achieve the maximum effect from a fat-burning drug, you need to calculate the correct course for yourself. This is best done with a doctor or other professional so as not to risk your health. Below, we will present how to take Liothyronine in the form of possible examples:

  1. Fat burning course
    One of the popular courses is aimed at effectively burning fat and increasing energy levels. It starts with a low dose, such as 25 mcg per day, and gradually increases, monitoring the body’s response. This course is often preferred by those who want to quickly achieve certain physical results, such as weight loss and improved overall fitness. You can read Liothyronine reviews on the Trensteroid4you pharmacy website.
  2. Energy maintenance course
    This is a fairly long-term course of using a synthetic hormone, which is aimed at maintaining energy and concentration. Typically, this cycle lasts from several months to several years, but with lower doses, for example, 12.5-25 mcg per day. This no-nonsense approach can be helpful for those who experience chronic fatigue or difficulty concentrating. It will also be useful for those who require health support over a long period of time.

There is a list of Liothyronine side effects, like any drug. Most often, when the dosage is violated, athletes experience endocrine and cardiovascular system disorders. It is especially not recommended for use by women during pregnancy due to the penetration of the hormone through the placental barrier.

Package Size

It is important to select the required amount of Liothyronine weight loss depending on your course. There are different sizes of oral synthetic hormone packages. Here are the main sizes of the medications that you can find on the pharmacological market:

  • 60/100 tablets 50 mcg
  • 50/100 tablets 25 mcg

You can buy Liothyronine at affordable prices at Trensteroid4you to start burning fat. Be sure to consult your doctor so that he can give you recommendations for taking the medication. Also, buy only high-quality and certified products as listed on our website.