

Boldenone is an anabolic steroid in the form of an injectable solution and an improved male sex hormone. Athletes often use it to build muscle mass, and this drug also accelerates synthetic processes and recovery of the body after exhausting training. The effect of the steroid lasts a very long time and is very gentle, which makes it popular. You can buy Boldenone for bodybuilding and other high-quality medications online at Trensteroid4you.


This anabolic steroid is also known as Boldenone undecylenate, and its chemical formula is C19H26O2. Talking about composition, it has a double bond between its first and second carbon atoms and is chemically similar to a Testosterone molecule. The newest form of steroid dihydroboldenone cypionate now has anabolic qualities comparable to those of Testosterone, but its androgenic effects are much less prominent. It is available as an ethereal undecylenate solution, which allows it to linger in the blood for 3–4 weeks.


Boldenone, like many anabolic steroids, has a wide range of benefits for which bodybuilders take this medication. Thanks to the injection method of using the drug, all the positive effects can be observed in a short time since it goes directly into the muscle and quickly spreads throughout the body. There are the main benefits of the Boldenone steroid:

  • Perfect for gaining weight
    The drug greatly increases appetite, promoting rapid weight gain during your Boldenone and Testosterone cycle. The anabolic agent also enhances the venous pattern on the muscles and gives them definition if, suddenly, the bodybuilder decides not to gain weight but to start cutting.
  • Does not retain water
    Another of the significant features of the equipoise Boldenone is that its use does not retain water in the body, making you puffy and bloated. You will look toned and sculpted, and your muscles will stand out beautifully.
  • Fewer side effects
    This drug is very active and still has much fewer negative Boldenone side effects than, for example, Nandrolone decanoate. It does not cause androgenic side effects, so you can take medication and not worry about acne, hair loss, and so on.

To get the maximum effect and see quicker Boldenone before and after results, you should inject it in compliance with all sanitary standards, in the correct dosage, and strictly adhere to the chosen course.

Usage Instructions

For those who want to take an injectable steroid course for the first time without using other steroids, the optimal duration will be 10–12 weeks. As for the Boldenone dosage, it can vary from 400 mg to 1000 mg per week. On Trensteroid4you you can find an anabolic steroid and Boldenone to buy for your muscle-gaining course.

It makes no sense to take dosages less than 400 mg per week since you will not get any effect because it’s an ethereal solution. The dose depends on your goals and level of physical fitness. Advanced bodybuilders can take 1000 mg of equipoise Boldenone undecylenate per week, while beginners should take no more than 400–600 mg per week.

The Boldenone and Testosterone cycle is the best for experienced sportsmen to achieve extreme results. Also, it can be frequently used with other anabolic steroids (Trenbolone enanthate, Stanozolol and others) by athletes who are looking to maximize their gains.

Package Size

This medication is sold in ampoules or vials that have an ether solution of Boldenone undecylenate. The packaging may vary based on the manufacturer, brand, and place of origin. Also, a package of anabolic steroids can contain a different number of doses. There are some examples of packaging sizes for your Boldenone cycle:

  • Ampoules 1 ml
  • Bottle 10 ml

To achieve significant results in bodybuilding, you can buy Boldenone drug from the Trensteroid4you website. Determining the overall quantity of medication in the product and, consequently, the total number of doses depends on the packaging size. Nevertheless, the medication dose or concentration per ml is not indicated by the packaging size alone.