
Masteron Enanthate

Masteron Enanthate is a long-acting anabolic steroid and is also known as Drostanolone. This occurs due to ether and the entire preparation is based on wood extract. The drug is used both in medicine and sports pharmacology. It improves physical performance and helps bodybuilders progress much faster. The medication provides many positive Masteron Enanthate effects due to its androgenic properties. This allows you to not only gain muscle tissue but also cut your body and make your muscle tissues more prominent. Typically, the Masteron Enanthate cycle is used to cut and improve muscle expression. It is important to visit a medical specialist to select the optimal amount and type of drug.


Let’s look at what is Masteron Enanthate from a chemical point of view. The medication consists of the main active ingredient Masteron and the long-acting ester Enanthate. It is available in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection and has the chemical formula C27H44O3. If we compare Masteron Enanthate vs Propionate, then the Enanthate ester provides a longer-lasting effect in the body than Propionate. Its androgenic activity is 25–40% of Testosterone. The half-life from the body is quite long and lasts 10 days.


The drug has many positive effects on the bodybuilder’s body. It can give you not only maintenance of muscle mass but is also great for cutting. Let’s take a look at the main Masteron Enanthate benefits:

  1. Long-lasting
    Thanks to the Enanthate ester in the composition, the medication has a long duration of action. Thus, there is no need to inject Masteron Enanthate bodybuilding frequently.
  2. Improved muscle definition
    The drug is excellent for increasing body contour. It will make them more pronounced, as it burns all subcutaneous fat due to the low anabolic index.
  3. Moderate androgenic effect
    Masteron Enanthate has a mild effect due to its moderate androgenic properties. It is suitable for use not only by men but also by women. When Masteron Enanthate dawkowanie is acceptable, it causes virtually no side effects.
  4. Improved stamina
    The steroid increases the body’s oxygen consumption and gives a boost of energy. The athlete increases endurance during training, which allows him to exercise more often and more intensely. This speeds up the process of obtaining Masteron Enanthate results.
  5. Preservation of muscle mass
    Even though the anabolic is most often used for cutting courses, it can also preserve muscles. This is especially helpful during periods of dieting or restricted caloric intake. This makes the steroid ideal for use during preparation for competitions.

To get the maximum benefit from the drug, you need to consult a medical specialist. If used incorrectly, Masteron Enanthate side effects may appear. This may include increased aggression, frequent mood swings, acne in different parts of the body, baldness, prostate hypertrophy and virilization in women.

Usage Instructions

The effect of the drug and its effectiveness directly depends on how it is used. With the correct dosage and cycle duration, Masteron Enanthate kicks in time. The best results can be achieved by taking one of these courses as an example:

  1. Body cutting course
    It lasts 12 weeks and is only suitable for professional bodybuilders who want to burn fat. The cycle includes the use of Testosterone Enanthate 500 mg and Masteron Enanthate 400 mg per week. And also the use of Danabol during the first 4 weeks, 30 mg per day. For PCT, you can use Arimidex 0.5 mg every 3 days to maintain results.
  2. Gaining muscle mass course
    The cycle duration is 10 weeks and is suitable for those who are already familiar with steroids. During the entire course, you must take Testosterone Cypionate 400 mg per week. As for the Masteron Enanthate dosage, it is 400 mg per week. Also, in the first 6 weeks, you need to take Deca-Durabolin 300 mg per week. After completion, you should undergo anti-estrogenic therapy, 1 tablet of Nolvadex per day.

If you follow all these instructions for use and consult a doctor, you can get the maximum benefit. A medical specialist should assess your health condition and refer you for tests and hormone tests.

Package Size

The drug can be found on sale in various forms for injection and oral use. There is also Masteron Enanthate powder in different grams for convenient use. Let’s look at the most common types of steroid packaging:

  • Ampoules
    This is a small volume of the drug and one ampoule contains 1 ml of medication with a concentration of 200 mg. The package may contain 10 ampoules for comfortable use.
  • Bottles
    One bottle contains 10 ml with a substance concentration of 200 mg per 1 ml.

We recommend you buy Masteron Enanthate online at Trensteroid4you. This is a popular website in the USA where you can find different types of bodybuilding medications.