

Nandrolone is a drug in the wide class of anabolic steroids and its second name is Deca-Durabolin. It is widely used in medicine to treat certain disease conditions. In addition, the medication is popular among bodybuilders. They take it to grow muscle mass and increase strength and endurance quickly. It also positively affects joints and ligaments, strengthening them and treating possible inflammation. By taking the Nandrolone steroid, an athlete can reduce the risk of injury during training.

The drug is suitable for increasing the speed of recovery processes in tissues, joints and muscles. This way, after an intense workout, you will recover much faster and reduce the risk of overloading your body. You can find Nandrolone for sale by going to the best website, This is the best store for pharmaceutical products for bodybuilders and athletes. You should take an anabolic steroid only after consulting a medical specialist.


According to its chemical composition, Nandrolone is a synthesized male sex hormone and has the formula C18H26O2. This drug has two variations of the esters and differs in the action speed – phenylpropionate (2–4 days) and decanoate (7–10 days). The 19-testosterone molecule has been modified in such a way that the drug has very powerful anabolic properties. Nandrolone bodybuilding also has a minimal level of androgenic activity, which reduces possible side effects.

At the same time, the drug makes it possible to gain pure muscle mass and increase other physical indicators. You can get excellent results in the form of large muscles and high endurance in a short time. This occurs due to the ability to stimulate protein synthesis and retain nitrogen in tissues. Also, Nandrolone uses its ability to increase the flow of blood cells, thereby increasing oxygen consumption in the body.


An anabolic steroid is a very common choice among those involved in sports. It allows you to achieve good results with a minimum amount of negative impact. Here are the main Nandrolone benefits that may be useful for athletes:

  1. Gaining muscle mass
    One of the first and most common requests from beginners and advanced athletes is to build muscle. Usually, they want to see the first Nandrolone results after 2 weeks of the course and training. With this steroid, this is possible and it is very effective in achieving the goal of increasing muscle mass by several kilograms.
  2. Increased strength
    Working out in the gym with heavier weights and barbells will allow you to progress faster. To do this, you need to have a lot of strength to lift heavier sports equipment. Your muscles will work harder and only when you lift the working weight will you see progress. An anabolic steroid helps increase the strength and endurance of a bodybuilder.
  3. Improved recovery
    During regeneration, all tissues begin to grow and the same goes for muscles. The faster you recover after training, the more often you will be able to go to the gym. For example, without anabolics, you need about 2–3 days to regenerate. But when using Nandrolone steroids, your body will need only 1 day to recover.
  4. Minimum side effects
    If you compare the drug with others, then it has a significantly less harmful effect on the body. Deca-Durabolin practically does not cause side effects, but this is a very individual point. When using the medication, you will not have gynecomastia or flooding with water. It will also reduce the risk of fatigue and injury after intense exercise.

Nandrolone is considered one of the mildest but most effective steroids at this time. It is often chosen by professional bodybuilders and purchased at the best Nandrolone price. You can also place an order in the Trensteroid4you online store, which offers a wide range of anabolic steroids.

Usage Instructions

To achieve good results while completing the course, it is important to know how to use the drug. Remember that the specifics of using Nandrolone for women and men differ. We want to provide you with two examples of the best medication courses for beginners and advanced athletes:

  1. Beginners course
    In this case, it is necessary to start with the minimum dosage and gradually increase it over time. It is best to use Nandrolone decanoate at a dosage of 200 mg per week at the beginning of your journey. The course can last from 8 to 10 weeks, depending on the level of physical fitness and preferences of the person. Also, under no circumstances, stack the drug with other anabolic steroids. After completing this course, you will notice impressive Nandrolone before and after results. Post-cycle therapy is the final stage and should last at least 2 weeks.
  2. Advanced course
    For those who already have quite extensive and long-term experience using medications, it is preferable to use Nandrolone phenylpropionate. It is more powerful and gives a good boost to muscle growth and endurance. The duration of the course is 12 weeks, and the dosage depends on the stage at which you will be. In the period from 1 to 6 weeks, you need to take 200 mg of the substance per week, and from 7 to 12 weeks, 300 mg per week. You can also stack Nandrolone phenylpropionate with Testosterone propionate at 100 mg per week. The PCT period will be long and should last 4 weeks after you finish your steroid cycle.

A consultation with a doctor and a good composition of injections will help you complete the medication cycle. You need to buy Nandrolone in a specialized store and it must be of very high quality. Try not to fall for fake steroids, as this can be life-threatening.

Package Size

In offline and online pharmacies, as well as stores specializing in sports pharmaceutical products, there are different types of packaging. The most common types of Nandrolone buy packages are the following:

  • Ampoules
    Each ampoule contains 1 or 2 ml of the substance and it depends on the concentration of the drug. They are usually presented in an assortment of 10 ampoules in one package.
  • Bottles
    This is a larger type of packaging and one bottle can contain 5–10 ml of liquid. On sale, you can find them individually, as this quantity is enough for many uses.

Also don’t worry about whether is Nandrolone legal. It is totally legal for personal use with a prescription from a medical professional. However, in professional sports and competitions, the use of anabolic steroids is prohibited.