
Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Enanthate is an ester that is used for intramuscular administration as an anabolic steroid. It is often used for medical purposes to treat a natural deficiency of the hormone Testosterone. This is very widespread among bodybuilders, who use the solution to improve athletic performance. You can buy Testosterone Enanthate from the best online shop, Trensteroid4you, at a competitive price.


Let’s consider what is Testosterone Enanthate composition from the chemistry side. The first and most important component of the anabolic steroid is the improved male hormone Testosterone. For longer release into the bloodstream, the composition contains Enanthate ester with the chemical formula C7H14O2. Due to the fact that the ester is attached to the Testosterone molecule, it dissolves faster in an oil solution and provides a long-lasting effect on the body.

It only takes about 2 injections per week to achieve a good result, since the effect of the Enanthate solution is very long. This feature is very attractive for athletes who do not want to make frequent injections. Talking about comparing it with other types of medications, for example, Testosterone Enanthate vs Cypionate, the Cypionate ester will be more powerful but less gentle than the Enanthate ester solution.


In addition to the strong effect of the drug’s main component, Testosterone, it has many other advantages. It was already figured out what it is in the form of chemicals, and then let’s move on to the main Testosterone Enanthate benefits:

  1. Long action time
    Many people are interested in how long does Testosterone Enanthate take to kick in. The first results can be seen after just a few weeks of the course if you are gaining muscle mass. Thanks to the long-term action, after 5-6 injections, you will see significant muscle growth and strengthening.
  2. Fast recovery
    Because of the drug’s anabolic properties, your muscles regenerate very quickly after exhausting workouts. Protein synthesis in muscle tissue is accelerated and less recovery time is required, so you can see Testosterone Enanthate before and after results sooner.
  3. Strength Gain
    This steroid is widely popular, especially among weightlifters, as they need to workout with heavy metal. The use of Enanthate solution significantly increases the strength and oxygen capacity of the blood.

In addition to these beneficial effects on the body, there are many others that are highlighted in Testosterone Enanthate reviews on the Trensteroid4you website. This medication can help with rapid weight gain due to the accumulation of water in the body, as well as an increase in overall tone. Do not forget to consult your doctor before starting Testosterone injections.

Usage Instructions

There are many courses for different purposes, but most often they are aimed at gaining mass and increasing strength. Powerlifters and bodybuilders choose the advanced cycle to achieve impressive Testosterone Enanthate results. There are also beginners who are just getting acquainted with this drug. Here are some examples of courses that you may be interested in:

  1. Beginners course
    The recommended course length is 8 weeks, and the dosage of Enanthate Testosterone 500 mg per week is 2 injections. Perfect for beginners weighing 70–90 kg, heavier ones should use a dosage of 750 mg, it’s 3 injections per week. To control side effects, you should also take Anestrazole tablets because they help reduce the effects of aromatization and fluid retention. As post-cycle therapy after Testosterone Enanthate bodybuilding, take either Clomid or Tamoxifen, 1 tablet per day, for a duration of 20 days.
  2. Advanced course
    For those who have been training for a long time and want to maintain their condition or gain a little more muscle, a course of 12 weeks is recommended. Let’s move on to how to inject Testosterone Enanthate in such cycle. The dose starts from 600 mg per week to 800 mg, approximately 3 injections per week. Other supplements you can use are Deca-Durabolin 400 mg divided into 2 injections per week or Trenbolone Acetate 75 mg per day for the first 6 weeks. Clomid is suitable during post-cycle therapy, 1 tablet per day for 20 days.

To minimize negative androgenic effects, it is best to consult your doctor. Your health is most important and it is worth making sure that the chosen course is right for you.

Package Size

Several packaging options for this medication exist and most often it can be found in ampoules or vials. There is a lot of Testosterone Enanthate for sale in different volumes on Trensteroid4you. What package you need to buy depends on the selected cycle:

  • Bottles
    They come in volumes of 10 ml.
  • Ampoules
    Most often, there are 10 ampoules on sale, which you can buy online at Trensteroid4you for a good Testosterone Enanthate price. One ampoule contains 250 mg of anabolic steroid solution.

Determine how much medication you need for the full course you have chosen and, based on this, order the required amount of the drug. Do not exceed the prescribed dose and strictly follow your doctor’s recommendations.