
Testosterone Mix

Testosterone Mix is a composition of four different types of Testosterone ester with different rates of impact on the body. This medication comes in the form of an injection solution for intramuscular administration. Many athletes choose it due to the very strong effect of the drug and the rapid appearance of results. You can buy Testosterone Mix very easily and quickly in the Trensteroid4you online store.


The ingredients of this anabolic steroid truly give bodybuilders the desired results and make it very popular. The composition of the medication includes four Testosterone esters of different durations: Propionate, Phenylpropionate, Isocaproate, and Decanoate. This Testosterone combination was adjusted on an oil basis by the producers to ensure that the drug had the fullest possible impact.

When released into the bloodstream after the injection of Testosterone Mix, all substances consistently exhibit their properties. Because of this aspect, the steroid’s long-term effects are guaranteed, allowing for a minimal frequency of injections and the athlete’s hormone levels are simultaneously kept normal.


This injectable steroid is potent and provides many positive results for bodybuilders. Many people are also interested in “Can I mix Testosterone with Boldenone for better results?” To answer this question, here is a list of benefits that you will receive during the course of taking Testosterone Mix:

  1. Increase in muscle volume
    Injections of four types of ester help to activate protein synthesis in muscles and also promote water retention. This effect of the drug increases the volume of muscle mass several times.
  2. Fast initial effect
    The medication combination contains some esters that may function more, causing the blood’s Testosterone levels to rise at first, giving a powerful boost to the body.
  3. More endurance
    When using this steroid, your muscle tissues are saturated with oxygen and your overall endurance increases. You can bear the load more and work out in the gym with heavy weights.
  4. Improved sexual health
    Some bodybuilders wonder can you mix B12 and Testosterone injections for more energy? During the course of using such injectable anabolics, sexual desire and energy may increase. This happens because a lot of the male hormone Testosterone enters the body.
  5. Increased appetite
    As you may know, to gain muscle mass, you need to eat right and have a good appetite. This medication stimulates the desire to eat more and promotes rapid weight gain.

Negative side effects, such as gynecomastia, indicators of excessive sexual excitement, headaches, aggression, sleeplessness, and other symptoms, can sometimes occur after using the drug. To avoid side effects, it’s better to consult your doctor before starting the four esters mix cycle.

Usage Instructions

The use of this steroid must be at the correct dosage and in compliance with a strict cycle. Bodybuilders often go beyond the solo course and want to add other drugs to the injection. Let’s look at the most popular options for mixing medications in one syringe:

  1. Testosterone Cypionate and Enanthate
    For example, can you mix Testosterone Cypionate and Enanthate? In theory, mixing the two drugs in the same syringe before injecting is feasible. Long-acting esters, such as these two forms of Testosterone, are frequently utilized as anabolic steroids.
  2. Testosterone and B12
    Those who are interested in can you mix Testosterone and B12 in the same syringe can verify that it is safe. Such injections are widely used by athletes and the components in them are compatible. This version of the medication is suitable only for advanced bodybuilders.
  3. Testosterone and hCG
    It is generally not advised to combine Testosterone with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the same syringe. Although hCG and a mix of four esters are two different drugs with different purposes, they are frequently used in HRT. Therefore, the answer to the question “Can you mix hCG and Testosterone in the same syringe?” will be a clear no, do not put your health at risk.

Package Size

The size of the packaging for Testosterone Mix varies based on the manufacturer and the particular medication. The drug is most often sold in ampoules or vials, with the following possible package volumes:

  • Ampoules 1 ml
  • Bottle 10 ml

You may check out the information supplied by the manufacturer of a certain drug on the Trensteroid4you website. This information is valid and should be used to determine package sizes and doses.