
Testosterone Phenylpropionate

Testosterone Phenylpropionate is an injectable steroid medication that is popular among bodybuilders and weightlifters. It is an ethereal solution and has a medium-lasting effect on the body. You can buy the drug from Trensteroid4you and use it to achieve large muscles and gain weight.


From a chemical point of view, this drug has two main active substances: the improved male hormone Testosterone and the acid Phenylpropionate. The chemical formula of Testosterone Phenylpropionate is C28H36O3, where an acid molecule is attached to the Testosterone and controls its release rate into the body.

In this way, the ester is obtained, and the effect of the medication lasts about 4 days, after which the injection must be repeated. The effect of a steroid is somewhere between Testosterone Enanthate and Propionate. Apart from the ester portion of the molecule, Testosterone phenylpropionate is slightly different from other versions.


An anabolic steroid is one of the most commonly used drugs in bodybuilding and its benefits can vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the athlete. There are some of the main Testosterone Phenylpropionate features for sportsmen:

  1. Muscle growth
    Medikament has a positive effect on muscle volume by increasing the level of nitrogen retention in tissues. Thus, within two weeks, you will see the first noticeable changes in muscle growth.
  2. Fast recovery
    This drug also speeds up satellite cell division, which is crucial for the repair of injured muscles, regardless of the ester. Therefore, during the course, you will be able to go to training more often and progress faster.
  3. Less water retention
    Compared to some longer-acting forms of Testosterone, this anabolic steroid may be associated with a lower likelihood of water retention. Thanks to this feature, you will not experience muscle swelling or oedema.
  4. Stimulation of bone growth
    It is worth mentioning that this medication promotes bone mineralization and stimulates its growth. This may be especially important during the growing years of adolescence or when dealing with Testosterone deficiency if you are not a bodybuilder.
  5. Accelerated metabolism
    Phenylpropionate ester has a shorter half-life, which means it can be metabolized more quickly compared to other forms of Testosterone. This may be useful in situations where a faster response to changes in hormone levels is required.

Do not forget that this ester has an androgenic influence and can cause some negative side effects. These may include acne, hair loss, prostate enlargement, and gynecomastia. Therefore, it is worth seeing a doctor so as not to harm your health.

Usage Instructions

Various categories of athletes can use an anabolic steroid with a Phenylpropionate ester. It is suitable for various purposes due to its versatility and Testosterone Phenylpropionate kick in time quickly and effectively. Below are the cycle options with this drug:

  1. Beginners course
    Those who are not yet very experienced or are just starting to get acquainted with anabolic injections should try a course of 8 weeks. The dosage of the medication should be 200 mg per week.
  2. Mass gain course
    Its recommended duration is 8-12 weeks, and the steroid dosage is 200-400 mg per week, divided into two injections. Additional drugs to control estrogen levels and PCT for recovery can include the antiestrogen Arimidex.
  3. Cutting course
    To reduce your body fat percentage, be sure to try this course for 8-10 weeks. To obtain results, the dosage should be 300-500 mg per week in the form of two injections. It is also possible to additionally use antiestrogens and fat-burning drugs.

To get the desired result without the side effects of Testosterone Phenylpropionate bodybuilding, coordinate the use of the steroid with your doctor and take care of your health.

Package Size

The sizes of anabolic medication packages can be different and vary depending on the manufacturer and many other factors. Most often, in stores, you can find it in the form of ampoules or bottles. Here are the most popular package sizes of Testosterone Phenylpropionate:

  • Ampoules
    The volume of an ampoule of 1 ml contains 100 mg of the substance and there are packages of one ampoule and five.
  • Bottles
    This type of packaging comes in volumes of 10 ml, they are designed for long cycles of taking the drug.

You can buy any size package of this anabolic drug in the Trensteroid4you online store and receive it in the shortest possible time. Start bodybuilding and grow the muscles of your dreams with Phenylpropionate ester.