
Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone Propionate is a form of male sex hormone created for medical use to treat its low levels and improve athletic performance. It is produced as a short ethereal solution for injection, which is administered intramuscularly very slowly. You can buy Testosterone Propionate online from Trensteroid4you and choose the drug that suits you from a large selection.


The composition of medication includes the main active substance, Testosterone and a short ester of Propionate. It is attached to the Testosterone molecule and the drug’s chemical formula is C22H32O3. The ester provides oil solubility and influences the rate at which the entire solution is released into the body after injection.

When comparing Testosterone Propionate vs Cypionate, following the intramuscular solution, the injection site gradually absorbs the Propionate drug. Blood-circulating Testosterone travels to the target muscles, where it is converted to 5-a-dihydrotestosterone. It enters the cell nucleus and interacts with receptors on cell membranes.


The improved male sex hormone has very high androgenic activity. Athletes use this medication to increase their strength and endurance. There are also many other positive effects if you use Testosterone Propionate for bodybuilding:

  1. Increased endurance and strength
    The steroid’s anabolic properties can lead to increased physical endurance, which can be important for long and hard workouts. You can lift heavy weights and progress in your athletic achievements.
  2. Anabolic effect
    The injection solution Testosterone Propionate for sale in Trensteroid4you stimulates protein synthesis in the body and accelerates bone calcification. The drug also causes nitrogen, potassium, calcium, and water retention in the body.
  3. Emergence of energy
    Testosterone can provide an extra level of energy, which can be beneficial for training and everyday life. You will feel a surge of strength and a desire to engage in sports if you buy Testosterone Propionate injections.
  4. Androgenic effect
    The medicine has androgenic properties responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics. These signs include a deep voice, facial and body hair growth, increased muscle mass, and other male physique characteristics.
  5. Strengthening bone tissue
    Propionate Testosterone stimulates bone growth and plays a significant role in strengthening bone tissue, which is especially important during adolescent development. Thus, the medication is perfect not only for avid bodybuilders but also for beginners over the age of 18.

Always remember that anabolic steroids have androgenic side effects. Most often, this can be baldness, deterioration of a skin condition, or depression, and Testosterone Propionate for females is not recommended. To avoid the negative effects of the drug, be sure to be under the supervision of your doctor.

Usage Instructions

The product Testosterone Propionate is chosen by many powerlifters to achieve significant results. They build muscle, reduce fat, and improve their overall performance. It is important to choose the appropriate course of action for taking the drug:

  1. Mass-gain course
    To gain muscle mass, choose this course, which lasts 8–12 weeks and the required dosage of Testosterone Propionate injection should be 100–200 mg per day. The frequency of injections is recommended every day or every two days. Do not forget that after completing the course, there should be post-cycle therapy to restore the body.
  2. Muscle definition course
    If you are planning to get lean and remove excess fat from your body, then this cycle will be ideal for you. Its duration is from 8 to 10 weeks, and the dosage of Testosterone Propionate should be 300–500 mg per week, divided into two injections. Antiestrogens and fat-burning agents can be used as extra drugs.

Once you have chosen the cycle that suits you, it is time for Testosterone Propionate buy online. You can find it in the Trensteroid4you online store legally and at the best prices on the market.

Package Size

For injectable anabolic steroids, there are several types of packages and their sizes. It is better to buy an essential solution of Propionate in ampoules or bottles. Here are the sizes of these packages and their dosage at different Testosterone Propionate prices:

  • Ampoules
    The package for Testosterone Propionate buy online can contain 5 or 10 ampoules, depending on your needs. One ampoule contains 1 ml with 100 mg of the substance.
  • Bottles
    This type of packaging is intended for completing an entire course and comes in the form of 10 ml.

To know exactly how many ampoules or vials you need and to avoid Testosterone Propionate side effects it is better to consult with a professional. Also, choose only high-quality medications from trusted manufacturers and stores like Trensteroid4you if you’re looking for where to buy Testosterone Propionate.