
Testosterone Suspension

Testosterone Suspension is the very first developed anabolic steroid that does not contain ester. It is very popular due to its fast action and short retention in the body. The drug is not detected in the bloodstream within 24 hours after injection, making it one of the most commonly used drugs before sports competitions. You can find Testosterone Suspension for sale at Trensteroid4you to purchase very quickly and online.


What is Testosterone Suspension as a chemical composition? As already mentioned, the medication does not contain ester, so there is 100 mg of pure Testosterone, in comparison with Enanthate, which contains only 72 mg of the active substance. The same result is seen in the Testosterone Suspension vs Propionate comparison.

Due to the fact that the drug is diluted with water, it acquired the name Aquatest. This promotes rapid absorption into the blood and has an immediate effect. Some manufacturers of Testosterone Suspension injection add oil or propylene glycol to their solution.


In addition to the use of Aquatest in medicine, it is also popular for sports purposes. Athletes and runners take injections to improve performance during cutting. There are many extra effects that the medication can provide. Here are some of the main Testosterone Suspension benefits:

  1. Increased strength and endurance
    Such a powerful dose of Aquatest gives your body an instant surge of strength and energy. You have more opportunities to train without getting tired after hard exercises.
  2. Strong anabolic effects
    Due to the very strong anabolic Testosterone Suspension effects, besides muscle growth, aggression, changes in lipids, red blood cell formation and fat loss can be observed.
  3. Gain muscle mass
    A high content of male sex hormones in a concentration of 100 mg gives a solid increase in muscle mass of approximately 10 kg. Other androgenic indicators, such as a rough voice, more hair, libido, and so on, also appear.
  4. Performance
    Since the composition does not contain ester, which is responsible for the long-term release of the substance into the bloodstream, the Aquatest acts very quickly. Therefore, injections must be done every other day to achieve the desired Testosterone Suspension before and after result.
  5. Effective fat burning
    This drug is very effective in reducing the percentage of body fat. Therefore, it is great for cutting cycles and muscle highlighting.

Do not forget about the possibility of Testosterone Suspension side effects that you would like to avoid. It is better to consult your doctor and not prescribe anabolic steroids yourself.

Usage Instructions

Choosing the right course is a very important step on the way to your dream body. Remember that cutting, gaining weight, or maintaining physical fitness require different dosages and durations of use of the medication. Below is a detailed analysis of several popular Aquatest Testosterone Suspension cycles:

  1. Mass-gain course
    The best course of action is to take 50–100 mg of Testosterone Suspension pre workout every day for 8 weeks. Stable hormone levels are ensured by this program, which encourages rapid muscular growth. To manage estrogenic side effects, anabolic steroids like Deca-Durabolin and antiestrogens may be used in addition to Testosterone.
  2. Endurance course
    A 6-week short course with a daily dosage of 25–50 mg is the best option. Injections given on a daily or alternating basis provide the body with a consistent effect, improve strength, and lengthen endurance overall. Endogenous Testosterone stimulants or peptides might be added for extra energy benefits.
  3. Preparatory course
    It’s a Suspension Testosterone cycle for preparing before competitions with a 4-week duration, taken daily at a dose of 50-100 mg. This creates a short but intense training period aimed at improving muscle expression and form. Including fat burners can help speed up your fat-loss process.

Be sure to consult a professional or doctor before starting the course to achieve good Testosterone Suspension results. He will tell you what the best steroid dosage to choose is based on your weight and goals.

Package Size

Like all injectable steroids, Aquatest has a certain type of packaging and volume of solution. Here are the most common packaging options on sale from different manufacturers:

  • 1 ml ampoule
    Such small ampoules are often used for one-time injections, providing precise dosing.
  • 10 ml bottles
    Vials of this size provide larger volumes of the medication and can be used for multiple injections during the course.

You can buy Testosterone Suspension in any of the available volumes on the Trensteroid4you website. The online store offers a wide selection of anabolic steroids for injection and tablets at affordable prices.