

Parabolan is a strong androgenic steroid in the form of an injection, having a high anabolic quality. It is also the trademark and product name of the steroid Trenbolone. Athletes love it for the strong effectiveness of the active substance and for giving muscle hardness. You can find Parabolan for sale in the Trensteroid4you online store at attractive prices and high-quality products.


The active chemical in Parabolan is the same as in Trenbolone. Therefore, comparing medications such as Parabolan vs Trenbolone makes no sense. Since it does not convert to estrogen, the athlete is spared from the problems associated with elevated blood estrogen levels and the feminization phenomenon. Its unique quality is that it doesn’t aromatize like other androgenic steroids.

Parabolan vs Tren exists in the form of three esters: Acetate, Enanthate and Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. Depending on what ester is included in the drug you purchased, the release time of the substance into the bloodstream will vary. Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate has the most powerful effect on the athlete’s body and has increased androgenic activity.


Many positive qualities make the Parabolan steroid excellent for use before competitions. In addition, bodybuilders use it over a longer period of time during courses. The main Parabolan benefits for avid sportsmen are:

  1. Water retention
    During injection usage of such steroids, severe water retention occurs in the muscles. Thanks to this, they increase in size very quickly and remain that way for a long time.
  2. Fat reduction
    Parabolan steroids strongly help athletes reduce the percentage of total body fat, making them more sculpted and toned. The relief begins to appear, and the muscles look defined and highlighted.
  3. Muscle hardness
    If a bodybuilder follows a low-calorie diet and eats healthy food, Parabolan provides him with extreme muscle hardness. This occurs due to the increased protein synthesis process in muscle tissue.
  4. Fast recovery
    The strong androgenic action speeds up regeneration and avoids overtraining syndrome. Parabolan results in muscles that are defined, manly, and full. You will recover very quickly and will be able to train much more often.
  5. Improved stamina
    Steroids increase the level of red blood cells, which improves oxygen transport and can lead to increased endurance. This is important for athletes involved in endurance sports, such as running.

Among the negative Parabolan side effects, high toxicity is noted, affecting the liver and kidneys. Also, the injectable medication should never be used by beginners or women. To avoid deterioration in health and get maximum benefit, be sure to prescribe the drug with your doctor’s approval.

Usage Instructions

Many athletes do an intensive course of steroid use and see incredible Parabolan before and after results. If you also want to improve your physical fitness or maintain it in good condition, then one of the courses below is definitely for you:

  1. Mass gain course
    The optimal duration of such a course would be 10 weeks, and the medication dosage can be 200-300 mg per week, gradually increasing to 400 mg during the first 4-6 weeks. The cycle can be mixed with additional anabolic steroids like Deca-Durabolin and Testosterone. To get the best results, it’s also critical to incorporate a healthy diet and a lot of exercise.
  2. Cutting course
    To form more expressive muscles, the course of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate bodybuilding should last for 8-12 weeks. During the cycle, the recommended weekly dosage of Parabolan would be increased to 400 mg. You can use this medication in combination with other fat-burning steroids, like Stanzolol for a stronger impact. It’s crucial to keep an eye on your food and restrict your calorie intake to achieve optimum cutting.
  3. A course to keep fit
    You can undertake an 8-week cycle at 200 mg each week to receive all Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate benefits and keep your fitness level up. This way, you may keep your surroundings anabolic without making weight gain the major focus. It is also advised to incorporate maintenance drugs and a suitable exercise program for the best outcomes.

Therefore, you must decide on your goal and choose, together with your doctor, the appropriate course of injections. Also, do not forget that the medication dosage will depend on your weight and initial physical fitness.

Package Size

Most often, this type of preparation is produced in the form of ampoules or bottles with a solution of the active substance in a certain proportion. Below are the most common Parabolan bodybuilding package sizes on the market:

  • 1 ml
    This volume of the substance comes only in ampoules and is intended for one-time use, making it convenient to carry with you to the gym or other places.
  • 10 ml
    Bodybuilders buy this amount of Parabolan to complete a full course within 8-10 weeks.

It’s better to buy Parabolan injections from the Trensteroid4you website with fast and reliable delivery. We offer only high-quality products to improve your physical fitness.