
Trenbolone Mix

Trenbolone Mix is an injectable steroid with a solution of 3 different esters. It has powerful anabolic and androgenic effects. Due to its properties, the medication is used for medical purposes, to improve physical fitness or before competitions. Athletes can buy the highest quality products from the Trensteroid4you website online with fast delivery.


The anabolic drug Trenbolone Mix contains 3 esters of different durations. They are Acetate, Enanthate and Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, that’s why the medication is called Tritren. Acetate is the shortest, Enanthate stays in the body a little longer, and Hexa remains up to 14 days. Together, these esters produce the incredible effects of the main component of Trenbolone. They are responsible for the substance’s release rate into the bloodstream.

The most important component of medication is Trenbolone, which is a modified version of the Deca-Durabolin hormone and has the chemical formula C18H22O2. It increases protein synthesis in muscle tissue and improves nitrogen balance. The drug has powerful androgenic and anabolic properties.


A medicine based on 3 esters has taken a significant place among other steroids that are highly effective. Athletes choose it for strength training, athletics, and running. Tritren helps both build muscle and reduce body fat. You can see some of the benefits of the drug below:

  1. Gain muscle mass
    When using Trenbolone Mix injections, an increase in muscle mass of up to 10 kilos is observed in one course. This occurs due to protein and red blood cell synthesis in tissues. Also, in the process of weight loss, Tritren can help maintain muscularity during a calorie deficit.
  2. Reduction of body fat
    In addition to gaining mass, the medication is also used to burn fat in the body. It increases metabolic activity, which helps burn calories and use fat as an energy source. In addition, Trenbolone stimulates beta-adrenergic receptors, which increases the breakdown of fat.
  3. Maintaining hormonal levels
    During the first week of using the steroid, Tritren helps maintain the body’s hormonal levels. It is worth knowing that it can suppress the secretion of natural Testosterone in the body. Also, Trenbolone Mix injections often cause an increase in Prolactin levels.

Side effects of Tritren 150 may include the appearance of virilization, gynecomastia, slower growth of tubular bones for men, inhibition of ovarian function, and menstruation disorders for women. Before starting to take Trenbolone, you should consult your doctor or your trainer.

Usage Instructions

Steroid injections should be used under close medical supervision and should not exceed the recommended dose. Taking a full course of Tritren will allow you to improve your condition and achieve larger muscles along with increased endurance. The best cycles of using the medication are:

  1. Weight course
    One of the optimal cycles using Trenbolone Mix is aimed at effectively gaining muscle mass. During 10–12 weeks, the athlete can administer the drug at a dosage of 400 mg per week. For additional support and enhanced effects, you can add the steroid Testosterone Propionate at a dosage of 100 mg per week. This course helps to significantly increase musculature strength and volume.
  2. Cutting course
    For athletes aimed at burning fat and building muscular definition, a course lasting 8–10 weeks is recommended. It is better to use Trenbolone Mix at a dosage of 300 mg per week, with the addition of Masteron at a dosage of 400 mg per week. This cycle helps maintain sinews while in a calorie deficit and maintain muscle definition.

These two popular courses are an example, and to select the ideal cycle, you should contact specialists. Do not neglect your health and take care of it, because this is the key to a strong body.

Package Size

As for the packaging of the medicine for oral and injectable use, they are very different. Speaking of Trenbolone Mix, manufacturers produce it in ampoules for one-time use and bottles for a full course. The following volumes of the substance in the package are Tritren 150:

  • Ampoules 1 ml
  • Bottle 10 ml

It is legal to purchase the medication from a certified Trensteroid4you store. This is the best website for anabolic steroids and other medications in the USA for bodybuilders. There is a wide range of products at the most affordable prices on the market.