

Methandienone, also known as Dianabol, is one of the most popular anabolic steroids. The drug is used in medicine and bodybuilding to improve physical performance. It is in demand among athletes due to its fast action and anabolic activity. Gaining large muscles and weight due to fluid retention in tissues is what Methandienone is used for. The drug should be taken with caution and consult a medical specialist.


Let’s look at what is Methandienone from a chemical point of view. The medication is a type of left-sided anabolic steroid and is known as doping. It positively affects the body due to an increase in the synthesis of an inhibitor of the C-1 complement fraction and a decrease in the level of C-2 C-4 complement fractions. The chemical formula of the drug is C20H28O2 and its oral bioavailability. The medication’s half-life from the body is estimated at 4.5–6 hours.


Dianabol has many effects that can be positive for bodybuilders. The main Methandienone benefits during the cycle are as follows:

  1. Improved muscle growth
    The drug increases nitrogen in tissues and stimulates protein synthesis, resulting in muscle growth. This makes the medication quite powerful and suitable for many bodybuilding courses.
  2. Increased strength and endurance
    These indicators are very important for intense training and rapid progress. The drug improves oxygen consumption and gives athletes good endurance. You will be able to work out in the gym with heavy scales.
  3. Fast onset of action
    One of the most important advantages of Dianabol is its extremely fast action time. It begins to show its effects after just a few days of use.
  4. Increased appetite
    The steroid increases appetite and gives a strong boost of energy to the sportsmen. This contributes to an overall increase in activity and intensity of the training program.

Use Methandienone steroid as directed by your doctor to avoid negative side effects. Sometimes disturbances in the natural production of hormones or liver failure may occur.

Mechanism of action

Methandienone has a very interesting mechanism of action at the physiological level. It accelerates many processes in the athlete’s body and has an effect on muscles, strength and performance in the following ways:

  1. Increase in nitrogen
    As already mentioned, an increase in nitrogen in tissues promotes muscle growth. The more nitrogen is stored in the tissues, the more actively protein is synthesized due to the anabolic steroid.
  2. Protein synthesis stimulation
    Methandienone cycle actively enhances protein synthesis and promotes rapid recovery in the body. This is especially important after intense training, as the muscles become tense and can be damaged.
  3. Increase in red blood cells
    Another effect on the body is the stimulation of red blood cell production. This increases oxygen consumption and increases endurance. It may be useful during intense training to improve performance.

This is the main effect on the muscles, strength and endurance of a bodybuilder while using Dianabol. To get the maximum benefit from an anabolic steroid cycle, you should visit a doctor or sports trainer. He will prescribe you the appropriate Methandienone dosage and duration.

Usage and dosage Instructions

Since the drug is considered strong and has a powerful effect on the body, it is important to adhere to the instructions for use. An example course using Dianabol might look like this:

The duration of the cycle is 6 weeks and you need to start with small dosages. Usually, this is 30–40 mg per day, which should be divided into two doses of 1 tablet in the morning and evening. But for women, the maximum dosage is Methandienone 10mg uses per day, which is 1 tablet. After the course, you can undergo PCT with Tamoxifen to maintain the results obtained and minimize side effects.

Package Size

Pharmacies and online stores may offer different packaging options. The steroid is available in the form of tablets, each containing 10 mg for oral administration, with the most common packaging being 100 tablets.

You can buy the drug at an excellent Methandienone 10mg price. The Trensteroid4you online store has a wide range of steroids, supplements, vitamins and other medications for bodybuilding.