

Cabergoline is a drug in tablet form that suppresses the production of the hormone prolactin. It is taken after completing a course of anabolic steroids for bodybuilding. The medication helps normalise the hormonal levels and morale of the athlete. In the Trensteroid4you online store, you can buy the drug at the best Cabergoline price. You can use it after a course of therapy to improve your overall health.


The drug contains the main active substance, Cabergoline, which is a derivative of Ergoline. It has the chemical formula C26H37N5O2 and has a powerful prolactin-lowering effect. As Cabergoline uses for athletes, it acts on dopamine receptors, which helps reduce the concentration of the hormone in the blood. You can buy Cabergoline online at Trensteroid4you and receive your product anywhere in the USA.

The most popular brand that produces this drug is Dostinex, which is why it became the medication’s second name. The effectiveness of the tablets is noticeable for bodybuilders within a few hours after oral use. If Cabergoline is used by men, it does not affect other hormones in the body. Speaking about the possible side effects of Dostinex, a decrease in blood pressure may occur.


The medication has many positive effects on the athlete’s body. It perfectly helps to recover after completing a course of anabolic steroids. The main advantages of Dostinex uses are:

  1. Prolactin control
    The pills help to reduce the hormone prolactin in the blood. This prevents the development of gynecomastia, which is an enlarged mammary gland in men. Since taking anabolic steroids increases prolactin levels, the risk of gynecomastia increases.
  2. Increase Testosterone
    An increase in prolactin suppresses the natural production of the male hormone. It is important to have good and correct levels of Testosterone in the body for health. Cabergoline buy online helps you have tight and large muscles and energy.
  3. Estrogen control
    Cabergoline’s effect on prolactin may also help regulate estrogen levels. This may be helpful in preventing estrogenic side effects such as water retention and increased body fat.
  4. Improved libido
    If prolactin levels are too high, an athlete’s libido may suffer. Dostinex USA actively reduces the hormone and helps improve libido and sexual performance.
  5. Reduced side effects
    Last on the list, but not least, is the drug’s ability to reduce side effects. Elevated levels of prolactin are bad for your physical condition and can cause problems such as headaches and discomfort in the chest area.

Just like any medicine, it can have Cabergoline side effects. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor or professional who has experience with such medications. You can buy Dostinex on the Trensteroid4you website for post-cycle therapy.

Usage Instructions

It is necessary to use drugs for post-course therapy correctly. It is important to determine the safe dosage and duration of medication use. Here are the most popular two cycles of using the pills for bodybuilders:

  1. Prevention during the course
    Athletes who wish to balance prolactin levels throughout an anabolic steroid cycle and avoid gynecomastia can consider this cycle. Dostinex online usage is advised to be done in minimal doses. Throughout your cycle, start with 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg once or twice a week. To properly manage the negative effects of estrogens, this is required.
  2. Post cycle therapy
    The cycle usually starts at a larger dose, around 0.5 mg to 1 mg per week, and thereafter reduces gradually. In order to minimize potential negative effects and preserve ideal hormonal balance, it is advised to utilize medication for 4-6 weeks following the conclusion of your cycle.

You should understand that the levels and duration of use of the pills may vary. It depends on the person’s physical fitness and other individual characteristics. Therefore, you should consult a doctor and buy Dostinex online from the trusted Trensteroid4you store.

Package Size

Medication package sizes vary widely on the market. Since this is an oral drug, it comes in the form of tablets. Their quantity and dosage may vary depending on the brand. Here are some examples of typical package sizes:

  • Dostinex
    Packages of this drug can contain from 8 to 32 tablets, depending on the dosage. If the package contains 8 tablets, then their dosage can be 0.5 mg in 2 tablets.
  • Cabergoline
    The medication comes in packages of 4, 20, or 100 tablets, depending on the dosage and manufacturer.

If you want to buy Cabergoline, it is important to read the labels carefully and follow the instructions of a professional. You should not prescribe the medication yourself or determine the duration of its use. This should only be done under the strict supervision of a doctor and take into account his recommendations.