
SARMs: Understanding Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators

Selective androgen receptor modulators are quite popular due to their excellent efficacy. In the United States, bodybuilders and athletes of many disciplines utilize them to gain muscular mass and strength. In this situation, there are almost no unpleasant side effects that are associated with regular anabolic steroids. Ostarine, Ligandrol, and RAD-140 are some of the most commonly utilized SARMs. It should be mentioned that their effects on the body are still being investigated, and their efficacy and safety are not completely known. It is preferable to see a knowledgeable professional in order to preserve good health and prevent the SARMs side effects.

What are SARMs?

If we talk in the language of chemistry about what is SARMs, then this is a class of steroid compounds. They were developed to treat diseases associated with muscle loss and osteoporosis and this is the real SARMs meaning. In recent decades, they have gained popularity among athletes to increase muscle and strength. They were also designed to reduce the risk of side effects similar to those of conventional anabolic steroids.

The very first SARMs were created in the early 1990s, but due to the reactions they caused, research was suspended. But over the past decades, since the 2000s, the research process has resumed. Scientists are testing certain SARMs that are practically safe for athletes. It is also necessary to consult with your doctor so that he can prescribe you the appropriate type of medication. If you are not sure about are SARMs legal, then their use is completely permitted after a prescription from a doctor.

A visit to a medical specialist is an important step before starting the course. He will assess your health and prescribe tests for hormone levels, among others. It is necessary to do this to avoid the negative side effects. The most typical consequences can be increased cholesterol levels, baldness, sudden mood swings and stomach problems. If you are looking for where to buy SARMs to get the maximum benefits, contact the Trensteroid4you online store.

Popular types of SARMs

Each SARM has unique characteristics and all products differ from each other. The most common types of selective androgen receptor modulators are the following:

  1. Ostarine
    This is one of the best SARMs for bulking, and it is used by almost all bodybuilders and athletes. Thanks to it, you can gain muscle mass and increase your strength. Also, taking a course of Ostarine will help you recover more quickly after training. It also effectively burns excess fat and preserves muscles.
  2. Ligandrol
    Such medication has quite pronounced anabolic properties. Due to this, muscles and body weight begin to grow. This property makes the drug especially attractive to bodybuilders who dream of big and toned muscles.
  3. Cardarine
    The third type of SARM on our list is not entirely classic. But we are considering it because Cardarine has the ability to increase endurance and improve fat metabolism. Using one of the best SARMs for cutting, you can easily burn excess fat and train more intensely.
  4. Andarine
    This drug has a beneficial effect on bone health, increasing their density. In addition, Andarine increases muscles and gives them more strength. The medication also has a strong fat-burning effect.
  5. RAD-140
    Like all previous medications, it has anabolic properties. This suggests that SARMs help build muscle and increase strength and endurance. Also, with its help, your body will recover faster after training.

All of these drugs combine many benefits and carry certain side effects of SARMs. But their quantity is minimal, since medications have a very mild effect on your body.

Benefits of SARMs

As you may have noticed, SARMs have many positive properties for bodybuilders. They help achieve the desired physical results and improve overall condition, namely:

  • Growing muscle mass
    The most important advantage of the drugs is an increase in muscle size. They promote protein synthesis in tissues and activate their growth. The first SARMs before and after results can be noticed after just a few weeks of the course.
  • Increased stamina
    Not all drugs contribute to this, but as we have already noted, Cardarine is capable of this. It increases the body’s oxygen consumption, improves aerobic endurance, and also speeds up metabolism. For more energy and stamina, you can find SARMs for sale on the Trensteroids4you website.
  • Accelerate recovery
    While taking SARMs, you will recover your muscles and the entire body much faster after training. This will give you opportunities to work out in the gym more often. Accelerated recovery will allow you to get the desired results in one full course.

This is not a complete list of all the benefits of medication that you may receive. If you are still not sure whether are SARMs safe, the drugs cause fewer side effects and are safer for your health than anabolic steroids.

The correct way to use SARMs

To benefit from medications, you need to know how to use them correctly. We want to give you a couple of tips on using SARMs to maximize the effect:

  1. Follow the dosage strictly. Once your doctor has prescribed a drug and how much to use, you must follow it. You can buy SARMs of any type and high-quality online at Trensteroid4you.
  2. Cyclic intake and breaks. To reduce the risk of side effects and maintain health, it is important to take a rest between courses. They should last approximately two times as long as you take the medications.
  3. Maintaining hormonal balance. SARMs have an impact on hormonal balance while taken, so they need to be monitored. You can also use special medications to maintain hormone levels.
    If you follow these simple rules, you will improve your physical performance during the course. The best SARMs will only have beneficial properties and will not cause health problems.


Are SARMs suitable for both men and women?

The versatility of these drugs means that they are suitable for both men and women. But for men, it is better to use more powerful drugs like Ligandrol or RAD-140. While for women, mild Ostarine or Cardarine are suitable.

How do I cycle SARMs for optimal results?

To optimize results and minimize side effects, take long breaks between cycles. If your course lasted 8 weeks, then the rest should last at least 16 weeks to restore the body. Also, after the end of the cycle, it is necessary to undergo PCT using Tamoxifen or another drug.

What should I do if I experience side effects while using SARMs?

As soon as you notice a health problem, you should immediately contact a medical professional. He will examine you, order tests, prescribe medication, and change the dosage or type of SARM. Do not assume that side effects will go away on their own, as this may pose a risk to your health.