

Tadalafil is a drug in the form of oral tablets that is used for erectile dysfunction. It is used by athletes who experience deterioration in erection after anabolic drugs. The medication is only suitable for men, as it does not affect women. Its principle of action is based on increasing blood flow to the male genital organ. If you are interested in how long does Tadalafil last, then it retains its effect for up to 36 hours. This makes it one of the longest-lasting medications for erectile dysfunction.

The drug provides many advantages compared to other means of improving potency. It has high efficiency and the longest duration of action. It can also be used in conjunction with pills or injections to increase muscle size. Based on the analysis of Tadalafil reviews among bodybuilders, it is worth mentioning that this is a very mild medicine that has virtually no side effects.


As can be understood from the name of the medication, the main active ingredient is Tadalafil. It is a member of the class of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors. Depending on the manufacturer, the composition may contain other substances. Some medications may contain lactose, croscarmellose sodium, magnesium stearate, hypromellose, triacetin and others.

The drug for male potency is available in the form of tablets for oral use. If we talk about the detection time in the blood or rather the half-life, it is 17.5 hours. The chemical formula of the erection stimulant is C22H19N3O4. In pharmacies and stores, it can be Tadalafil 20mg dosage and other quantities for the convenience of the required amount.


This type of drug can improve sexual function, which became low after the anabolic cycle. The medication has several advantages that you need to know when buying Tadalafil online on the Trensetroid4you website:

  1. Lasts for a long time
    If we compare Tadalafil with other potency pills like Sildenafil, then it has a stronger effect. After use, the athlete will feel the effect for 36 hours. Sildenafil only lasts 3–6 hours, which is much less than Tadalafil.
  2. Efficiency for low potency
    The medication is very effective in solving low potency in athletes of different ages. If we take, for example, the popular Tadalafil dosage 40 mg, then it is actively used to improve the quality of potency and sexual intercourse.
  3. Flexibility in reception
    You can take the pill at any time that is convenient for you. There is no need to adhere to the rule of using the drug after or before meals, in the morning or evening. This allows men to decide for themselves when it is best to take the pill.
  4. Fewer restrictions on food and alcohol
    In the case of Sildenafil, certain restrictions must be adhered to. But using Tadalafil, there are no problems with using it simultaneously with food or alcohol. This does not reduce the effectiveness of the drug and gives greater freedom to bodybuilders.

Of course, if used incorrectly, Tadalafil side effects long-term may occur. There is a low chance that the athlete will experience headaches or dyspepsia. But this only happens if you have an individual intolerance to the substance. It can also be dangerous if you change the dosage or course duration on your own.

Usage Instructions

To maximize the effects, some instructions for use should be followed. They are very simple and do not require anything special from you to provide all the benefits:

  1. Dosage and frequency
    As for the correct Tadalafil dosage for your health, it is usually 10 mg per use. But as a course, the recommended amount is 2.5 mg or 5 mg. The duration of such a cycle is determined individually and can range from several weeks to months, depending on the body’s reaction. It is better not to take more than one dose in one day, as this may cause side effects.
  2. Admission rules
    Since the medication is taken orally, the tablet must be taken with a glass of water. It can be taken with or without food, but it is better to avoid fatty foods so as not to slow down the effect of the drug. Also, as for Tadalafil for women, in this case, no effectiveness was found from the pills.

By following these recommendations, you can achieve maximum erection and become a confident athlete. Good physical and mental health will always provide maximum bonuses for your training. And to achieve this, you need to be able to have an intimate life to feel full-fledged.

Package Size

You can find different types of sex medication packages on sale. The most common sizes are Tadalafil 5 mg, 10 mg and 20 mg. Let’s take a closer look at the number of pills in a pack that can be found in pharmacies and stores:

  • 5 tablets
  • 50 tablets
  • 60 tablets
  • 100 tablets

If you are thinking about purchasing the drug at the generic Tadalafil 20 mg price, then you should visit Trensteroid4you online store. On the website, you will find a wide range of pharmacological products for improving potency after anabolics.